I don’t know about you, but this time of year I find myself looking around the house saying “You know, I really should finish the wainscoting in the kitchen.” We all start projects, and you might even finish them right away – but for those of you who are like me, I have some suggestions.
The Batavia Area Jaycees are holding their 57th Home, Garden & Trade Show on Feb. 27 & 28th at Batavia Downs. You’ll find great ideas for new projects, as well as building enthusiasm for your current labor of love. They’ll have workshops, seminars, sales and give-a-ways from 10am – 7pm on Sat and 11am – 5pm on Sun. The cost is only $4. ($3 if you save the coupon that will be coming out in the Daily.)
Of course, you may not need to decorate, but organizing would make your life a lot less stressful. I went to a GO Art! Salon recently, (The salons are fantastic, if you’ve never been to one.) anyway, mine was on organizing and Jennifer Ford Berry spoke. She’s from our area, and has published a book entitled “Organize Now!” She had some great tips, such as making sure everything that comes into your home has a “place.” It sounds simple, but I went home and discovered how much of my clutter couldn’t be “put away.” If you’d like to purchase her book, or would like to find out when she’ll be holding her next workshop, contact GO Art! at 585-343-9313.
Just think, if you get organized and finish your projects inside, you won’t need to worry about outside until aaaaah March? Okay, in spite of what that darn groundhog says, I’m hoping for an early Spring.
Have fun with your projects!
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